As Jayda and I were driving through the African Savanna we met some people that kept telling us to stop and they were saying "We are the cause". Of course we stopped because we were confused, interested, and excited all at the same time. Those people were telling us that we are the cause of the Savanna becoming too hot just as the atmosphere. "How", Jayda said, and they replied "Your human activities have been the cause of smoke and exhaust going into the air as carbon making this place too hot". I replied with "how if we are barely even driving and it is our first time here"? They replied with "It is not just you that is causing this, all of the other humans have caused this too happen as well". They started pestering us so we left, and when we got to our destination we sat down and talked about what we learned from that mini experience. What we learned was, when humans generate pollution in the Savanna they are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing not only the savanna to be hot, but also the carbon dioxide is going into the atmosphere and is trapping the suns heat around the planet causing it to become hotter. This is not safe because one day the earth will become too hot one day and possibly be destroyed. Also, thus is not good for the Savanna because it then causes the Savanna to become desert-like, and some of the organisms will have trouble living their. Another thing that the humans have done is kill animals for certain resources they need for decreasing the species and population of those important animals.
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