Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day 7 Density dependent and independent factors

As Jayda and I were walking through the Australian Savanna we started to wonder what the density independent and dependent factors were of this biome.  We asked some of the travelers that were traveling alongside us, but they had no clue. So with our brilliant minds we got the idea to find these factors based on the animal and plant adaptations. The most common density independent factors are forest fires, and floods. We knew that forest fires was one of them because of  how many of the trees in this enviroment have the adaptation to grow back after a forest fire, by ground swelling. The floods are another obvious density independent factor, because of how many flowers, plants ,and trees have roots that soak up water. These roots soaking up water prevent flooding because of how the water is absorbed in the soil of the plants.

Now we deciphered density independent factors, next we tried this with density dependent factors, which are predation, and competition between the species. Firstly predation was obviously one of them because of how some organisms have adaptations that allow them to survive from their predators such as frogs have a bright color in order to fool their predator and make them think that they are poisonous. Lastly competition between the species is one of the density dependent factors because in the Australian savanna their is a lot of competition of resources that are becoming scarce.

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